As I've heard is normal when traveling to such ... um ... unique (?) places, I have developed a love-hate relationship with India.
I love the fact that you can get anywhere in India via cheap public transportation. For example, a 12-hour bus ride from Delhi to Dharamsala costs Rs250/$5.00. In America, if I don't feel like driving to Detroit, I have to pay $300 for a flight. Why can't we have an efficient bus and train system connecting all the states? Oh wait, that brings me to my hate of public transportation - efficiency. I have yet to be in a taxi/bus/or rickshaw for over 4 hours without a break-down or a flat tire. Trips that should take 6 hours take a whole day - and then you have to argue with the driver over the fare at the end.
I love the food. My dinner tonight - paneer butter masala with mixed vegetable raita and rice - served with fresh lime soda. Yum! The fresh lime (or as they call it, lemon) soda is fresh lime juice and sugar in the bottom of a glass which you then pour a bottle of soda water over. So refereshing! No lie - there isn't really a hate side to the food except perhaps the constant fear of Delhi Belly.
I love the fact that I can always find an internet cafe but hate the fact that you never know when the power will go out or the connection will just stop.
I love the fact that people here won't steal your stuff - but hate the fact that they might cheat you. There is a difference. That being said, the other day a man in Dharamsala came up to me after chasing me for a block in order to give me the Rs200/$4.00 that had fallen out of my pocket. He didn't even wait for me to give him any of it as thanks. I know $4.00 doesn't sound like much - but here it can buy me (and consequently him) two meals.
Which brings me to another love - the fact that the dinner I just had was Rs120/$2.50 (and I consider that pretty expensive).
I hate motorcycles. They're loud an obnoxious and people drive them like idiots. I have a video of a man and his wife driving a motorcycle down the "highway" with their 5-year-old (?) child propped up on the handlebars - it wasn't until the bike passed me that I saw the other child squeezed in front of the mother. Oh and no helmets. Come on people! But, I have to admit that I love the fact that when I'm stuck in a taxi in Delhi traffic, at least someone is getting somewhere!
I hate the weather at this time of year. How can one place be so damn hot and so damn wet all at the same time? However, I did come at the worst time of year (summer/monsoon), and so have to accept that it's largely my fault. That being said - when there is a mild, sunny day it is much appreciated and I love it. My last two days at the Tibetan school had great weather and you can't imagine how different everything seemed. You know that feeling you used to get (or still do) on the last day of school before summer break? It was like that. But I was in India, and it was just time for tea break.
I love the feeling of independence that comes with traveling alone (somewhat), but hate the fact that by definition it is impossible to share that feeling with others.
And so, I leave India tomorrow night with mixed emotions.
In the words of Heather - "Thank you for having me, India. You've been grand."
A brilliant piece of writing. So true. Well done.